SENSIA products

Time for Smart LDAR in SO2-Related Industries

SENSIA products

SENSIA’s Caroline Y enables industry with sulfur dioxide in their processes to implement SMART LDAR programs, the most effective methodology for reducing emissions.

In recent years, portable Optical Gas Imaging has been increasingly gained ground in Leak detection and Repair (LDAR) tasks. The benefits of walking through an installation with an OGI that specifically indicates the source of emission of the leak, compared to traditional methods (sniffers, soapy water, etc.), are incontestable. (A recent study shows that 90% of leaks are detected using OGI from about 6 meters in an LNG plant: Energies 2019. 12. 1454. 10.3390/en12081454.)

LDAR programs are widely used at petrochemical installations, refineries and other facilities. In those fields, an upgrade to Smart LDAR adding Optical Gas Imaging to LDAR tasks is becoming common.

The driving forces to implement Smart LDAR programs are:

Environmental legislation

Reduction in material losses

Health and safety for employees

Even more relevant, Optical Gas Imaging devices are pointed by the international authorities (EEA, EPA, etc.) as the Best Available Technique (BAT). This fact confirms that the classical EPA Method 21 (based on sniffers) is being replaced by Smart LDAR (based on OGI).

However, the industry in whose processes SO2 gas leaks occurs, has not yet taken the step. SO2 is present in the chemical, copper, food, paper and food industries. It is also found in the production of sulfuric acid for metallurgy as a drafting agent. Its greenhouse effect is well known, sulfur dioxide has a harmful effect on the environment, causes acid rain and is highly toxic.

The same forces that drive the implementation of Smart LDAR in other fields apply in the sulfuric related industry. However, the factor that has avoided incorporating the use of OGI in LDAR tasks in this industry has been the lack of equipment. Caroline Y comes to fill this gap.

Caroline Y has the most advanced non-refrigerated detectors for sulfur dioxide gas leaks imaging. Light, user friendly and without cool-down time required, its use is very simple. Any operator can start using Caroline Y after becoming familiar with the camera for 10 minutes.

Caroline Y allows visualizing components with gas leaks, enabling their repair. Not only solves Environment and Safety departments concerns, but the reduction of gas loss results in a remarkable cost saving.

With Caroline Y for Smart LDAR, companies that work with SO2 in their processes are facing the future of their operations with an eye towards the environment, the safety of their employees, the next legislative regulation and economic savings.

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