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Environmental Compliance

Our environmental compliance solutions are built with service providers in mind, offering ergonomic and simple design, streamlined reporting, and AI analytics. Easily perform inspections, semi-continuous monitoring campaigns, and more to meet OGMP 2.0, EU and US methane emissions standards and other regulation.
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Environmental Compliance

Our environmental compliance solutions are built with service providers in mind, offering ergonomic and simple design, streamlined reporting, and AI analytics. Easily perform inspections, semi-continuous monitoring campaigns, and more to meet OGMP 2.0, EU and US methane emissions standards and other regulation.

Gas Leak Detection & Repair (LDAR)

LDAR campaigns require sophisticated technology, like our OGI, for fugitive gas emission detection, meeting OGMP 2.0 Level 4 reporting frameworks, and other routine inspections. To support oil and gas operators, our AI-powered infrared solution, RedLook, ensures precise, real-time gas leak detection, effectively boosting safety and quickly repairing faulty equipment.

Learn more about our relevant capabilities below:

Gas Leak Rate Quantification

SENSIA’s RedLook cameras are used around the globe for as the most reliable solution for automatically gas leak detection and quantification (LDAQ), empowering oil and gas operators to meet environmental regulation compliance, better calculate emissions reports and later reduce emissions.

Learn more about our relevant capabilities below:

Flare Combustion and Destruction & Removal Efficiency

flare combustion efficiency monitoring DRE or CE SENSIA infrared camera Agni

Our revolutionary remote flare efficiency monitoring solution is designed to retrieve combustion efficiency (CE) or destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of flares and is fully integrated into our powerful Agni camera. This monitoring system supports oil and gas operators in meeting US and EU regulations for accurate environmental reporting and more.

Learn more about our relevant capabilities below:

flare combustion efficiency monitoring DRE or CE SENSIA infrared camera Agni

Flare Stack Monitoring

SENSIA’s RedLook is an ideal infrared imaging technology for real-time flare and pilot flame supervision, preventing issues like liquid carryover and outages. Built for oil and gas operators, it ensures compliance with flaring regulations while optimizing operational safety.

Learn more about our relevant capabilities below:

OGMP 2.0 Methane Emissions Reporting

AI-powered infrared imaging systems by SENSIA Solutions

SENSIA is a trusted equipment provider for oil and gas wishing to perform OGMP 2.0 methane emissions reporting campaigns. Our solutions can help oil and gas operators achieve Level 4 and 5 methane reporting at site-level and source-level methane emissions quantification.

Learn more about our relevant capabilities below:

AI-powered infrared imaging systems by SENSIA Solutions

Preventive Maintenance with Intelligent Thermography

intelligent infrared thermography cameras thermal imaging SENSIA

Continuous monitoring and periodic surveys of operating temperatures of essential oil and gas components enhance preventive maintenance and allow for early equipment failure detection.  RedLook can be integrated into other operator systems, enabling the configuration of customized alerts, automatic shutdown protocols and more.

Learn more about our relevant capabilities below:

intelligent infrared thermography cameras thermal imaging SENSIA

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