
Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Detection and Quantification with AI-Powered Infrared Imaging

SO2 industry gas leak detection OGI SENSIA

Being a toxic gas, sulfur dioxide emissions directly pose negative environmental consequences

AI-powered infrared imaging technology, particularly optical gas imaging (OGI), is revolutionizing gas detection and emissions quantification. With recent incorporation into EPA regulations for methane, its application extends beyond the oil and gas industry and into industrial chemical applications.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2), crucial in sulfuric acid production for metal refining, fertilizer production, and more, presents significant environmental challenges. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), large concentrations of sulfur dioxide from industrial activity can cause acid rain, low air quality, smog and more. The EPA has also implemented environmental compliance standards meant to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Enter AI-powered infrared imaging, already employed by industry leaders in North America and Europe.

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