Invited for the second consecutive year, SENSIA deployed its recent line of products with excellent results.
Caroline Series, Mileva Series and RedLook, the different formats of cameras for gas detection developed by SENSIA within the framework of the GaSeS Project, stood out in the test campaign organized by TOTAL, in which the main companies in the detection of fugitive emissions also participated.
The test was framed in TOTAL’s TADI project (Transverse Anomaly Detection Infrastructure). With 2000 m2 outdoors and equipped with pipelines, columns, recovered wellheads, etc, had its own base of operations for testing and qualifying innovative technologies for gas leak detection and quantification A unique installation at world level in which they reproduce up to 30 accident scenarios derived from field experience in controlled conditions.
To make the most of these ideal test conditions, SENSIA tested both its Continuous Monitoring systems and the Caroline and Mileva handheld cameras. The results could not have been better, highlighting the clear detection of a leak of 0.2 g/s de CO2 with 10 km/h wind conditions.
The GaSeS Project was awarded by the European Commission on H2020 PYME Instrument Phase II. Its goal: to transform LDAR in Oil and Gas industry. SENSIA mission is to drive beyond the state of the art of Optical Gas Imaging being the first time that cost-effective IR technology penetrates at large-scale level in industry for fugitive gas emissions mitigation, saving more than 70% of the carbon footprint caused by gas leaks and making the operation safer and more efficient.