Industrial Outreach

SENSIA meets with Ferrovial in Madrid

Industrial Outreach

On 27 and 28 November, SENSIA had the opportunity to present the many solutions that RedLook can bring to Ferrovial’s HSE at the Impact Hub Gobernador in Madrid, Spain.

SENSIA 5-minute revolved around the multiple HSE solutions offered by RedLook monitoring software. Examples of optimization were seen in Flare efficiency monitoring, gas leak detection, intelligent thermography and temperature control.

With real examples of processes where RedLook technology would mean an advance in efficiency, safety & security, the talk was very well received by the Ferrovial’s personnel present at the event.

RedLook software is an advanced video analytics tool for industry. This comprehensive smart monitoring system presents a series of innovative functionalities. It has been developed during GaSeS project, funded by the EIC SME Instrument programme.

The presentation was part of the event promoted by the EIC pilot Business Acceleration Services, together with Ferrovial, in which a selection of small innovative companies from all over Europe present their technological proposals.

Ferrovial’s innovation strategy works on an open innovation model, based on cooperation with external partners who are capable of complementing company needs and capacities, with the aim of accelerating the deployment of new solutions and processes to the market. This is also one of the main objectives behind the Corporate Days promoted by the EIC pilot Business Acceleration Services

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