Industrial Outreach
SENSIA products

SENSIA launches the new Mileva 33

Industrial Outreach
SENSIA products

The Optical Gas Imaging with the highest sensitivity to hydrocarbons of SENSIA products, renews its image and usability.

The redesign of Mileva 33 showcases an elegant line in electric blue. Several ergonomic changes have been introduced to facilitate its prolonged use as well as a new battery pack to increase the continuous operation to more than 10 hours with only one battery.

Mileva 33 is an OGI with a spectrally optimized cooled detector of 640 x 512 pixels. It is incredibly sensitive to the presence of hydrocarbons, achieving micro-leaks of 0.35 g/h of Methane. Not for nothing, Mileva 33 is EPA NSPS 0000a Methane rule compliance.

Given its sensitivity, Mileva 33 is the best choice for leak-tightness verification campaigns, standalone or in common operation with the SENSIA sniffer 4.0 for fast operation and reporting.

The new Mileva 33 is already available.

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