
SENSIA’s GaSeS Project is Underway


SENSIA’s project GaSeS: “The first low cost optical gas imager for fugitive emissions mitigation, increasing energy efficiency in industry”, is launched. H2020’s SME Instrument GaSeS project challenge is to introduce a new paradigm on fugitive emissions mitigation.

European Commission’s granted project GaSeS, resides on one of the core objective of SENSIA: to reduce fugitive gas emissions and contribute to a more secure, clean and efficient industrial production chain.

It has been stablished that fugitive emissions in Oil & Gas industry mean between 30 and 60% of the total carbon emissions in industrial plants. This figure is even higher in the case of SO2 sulphur related industries as indicate in the European Environment Agency (EEA) report “Understanding pollutant emissions from Europe’s cities”, 2013.

Leak, Detection and Repair (LDAR) campaigns as proposed by the European and International environmental bodies will be a big step forward in cost savings, environmental protection, and worker and community safety. However, only a frequent monitoring routine can certainly reduce fugitive emissions. Currently, the large-scale implantation of portable Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) is truncated by its high cost.

SENSIA has this challenge since its creation. Company’s development has occurred in parallel with the technological development of SENSIA’s OGI. Since first lab prototypes for SO2 detection, to the actual OGI based on new spectrally adapted high sensitivity uncooled infrared technology for routine use under development, SENSIA has matured its approach on fugitive gas emissions.

Within GaSeS project framework, SENSIA will test three different applications under real operating conditions validated by the EPA:

  • Handheld device easy-to-use and affordable for routine inspection.
  • Fixed closed circuit cameras system for large infrastructures surveillance and monitoring.
  • On board (UAV/drones) equipment for aerial inspections of large infrastructures.

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