Scientific Outreach


Scientific Outreach

Monitoring and quantifying emissions in the Port of Valencia

VALENCIA, SPAIN – Since April 2022, the Fundación Valenciaport and SENSIA have been collaborating in the Port of Valencia with the objective of monitoring emissions to eventually decarbonize port activity throughout the 46 ports across Spain. This collaboration could not be made possible without the financing from the Fundación Valenciaport and the Ports 4.0 Ports of Spain Tradetech Fund.

The SIMAS (Sistema de Imagen Multiespectral de Alta Sensibilidad) system, which is the anticipated final result of the project, will serve as an invaluable tool for monitoring emissions in ports and naval environments. The system boasts 5 highly-calibrated multispectral cameras that will detect and quantify CO2, HC, SOx and NOx gases while also measuring the opacity of the exhaust clouds originating from machinery in the harbor. With the growing need of decarbonization across industries to combat climate change, the SIMAS system and PERSEO project will be vital to meet the emissions cuts proposed by the European Union and other international organizations.

More information about PERSEO:

SENSIA is eager to continue working with the Fundación Valenciaport on the PERSEO project and help develop tools to create greener and cleaner ports in Spain and eventually around the globe.

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